Thursday, February 25, 2010

Megillat Esther, Yoni Style (pt. 10)

Chapter 10: Epilogue

After all the drama, things finally settle down to normal. Achashverosh levies taxes on everyone he possibly can. As for Mordechai, he was a great vizier. In his post, he looked out for all Jews, and was liked by most of them. The rest can be found in the chronicles of the kings of Persia.

And as the curtain is about to go down on our little show, Charvona hobbles out on his one crutch and says, in his Cockney accent:

"A Happy Purim to all! And God bless us, everyone!"


  1. awesome. I just read all ten non-stop. reading the megilah is gonna be interesting. where did you piece it together from?

  2. got to finish beidiyuk b4 the sirens bout to go off in yerashalayim, yey!
    luved it, absolutely luved it. elie's right, hearing the megilah this yr's gonna b alot more interesting!!
    "A Happy Purim to all! And God bless us, everyone!"
    - urs, D.
